Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the metting with public representatives of Gazakh region

09 February 2011, 11:31
Let me salute you from the bottom of my heart. I am very pleased to see you all. I have come to meet with you again. I will attend several activities and opening ceremonies in Gazakh District today. Every time I come here I am pleased to see that things are going well in Gazakh District. There is extensive reconstruction and landscaping work under way, the district is developing, new enterprises are being set up. Of course, I am very pleased with that. As you may know, all the work under way in Azerbaijani districts has one objective – to further strengthen and develop our country and diversify the economy. We are gradually achieving that. The results of 2010 are very positive. Despite the lingering global financial and economic recession, we made great strides in the economic sphere. We have met our goals both in reducing poverty and developing our economy.
The state program on the development of districts is also well under way. If we hadn’t adopted the first program in 2004, we would not be able to talk of any development of districts today. The work done as part of the program has brought about the existing realities. Gazakh District is a graphic example of that. There is ongoing construction of social and industrial enterprises here, the city is improving, roads are being built. In other words, the district is developing. During an earlier visit, I attended the opening of this wonderful Heydar Aliyev Center, the medical and diagnosing center. The head of the district’s executive authority is telling me that the diagnosing center has had a very good impact. People are receiving high-quality medical assistance free of charge. The center benefits not only the people of Gazakh but also our compatriots living in Georgia. The large cannery under construction will process the produce of Gazakh farmers and help our compatriots from Georgia.
Gazakh District holds a special place in Azerbaijan. The development of this district is certainly very important. All districts are important for us, but we are paying special attention to the development of borderline areas located far from the capital.
Great attention has been paid to the implementation of infrastructure projects here. The road connecting Baku with the Georgian border is practically ready. Work is currently under way on the last small section of it. This will open up extensive opportunities for the people of Gazakh because roads mean development and comfort. It is now possible to travel to Baku from here quite comfortably. Measures are being taken to develop the railway transport. In short, the implementation of infrastructure projects, the development of private enterprise and the construction of social facilities – all this is consistently done in Azerbaijan. For instance, we are expected to attend the opening of a new school and a new customs checkpoint in Gazakh District today. The establishment of social and industrial facilities is laying the groundwork for a comprehensive development of our country.
As to the overall situation in the country, it is good. Our plans our being implemented, the economy is growing. The progress made in the energy sector, most notably in the oil and gas sector, has enhanced our financial capacities and strengthened our international standing. We now have immense foreign exchange reserves, which enables us greater confidence. At the same time, all this work shows that where there is a plan, there will be a result. However, we should not feel complacent with the results achieved and should further strengthen our social policies. Last year we raised the minimum wage and pension. The average wage in Azerbaijan is now around $400. But let me say again that we must not be content with that. We must make every effort to enable the citizens of Azerbaijan the opportunity to live a good life. Of course, the fact that the level of poverty has dropped four times over the last seven years is quite an achievement in itself. Poverty reduction from 44 to 9.1 percent is the result of the work done. But even that is too much. Over the last seven years, over 900,000 jobs were created, including around 700,000 permanent ones. The problem of unemployment has largely been resolved, but there are still jobless people. We will focus on this sphere in 2011 and in subsequent years to resolve all outstanding issues.
Great attention will be paid to private enterprise development. A class of entrepreneurs is emerging in Azerbaijan. I have regular meetings with them. I even take several business people along on my foreign trips to enhance their exposure to foreign markets. We are conducting political activities to facilitate the access of Azerbaijani businessmen to foreign markets. Long-term and low-interest loans and subsidies are being allocated to businesses. Of course, political support is highly important. Serious work is under way to stop unfair treatment of businessmen. Such activities are conducted on a regular basis but I think we should further step up our efforts. We must put an end to unfounded interference and inspections. Azerbaijan has built its economy on the basis of market principles. Market laws require strong businesses. We have major industrial enterprises, the petroleum industry, etc. However, the development of small and medium-sized businesses is crucial to the progress of our country. With this aim, we have recently allocated low-interest loans through the National Fund on the Support for Private Enterprise. We have done all this, but I repeat that there should also be transparency and justice in these areas.
Azerbaijan is doing a lot, but much remains to be done. We must modernize our country and bring it to the level of developed countries in all respects – in terms of both political and economic reforms. We need to strengthen public control in the country, fight bribery and corruption. The instructions I issued earlier this year at a Cabinet meeting are being fulfilled. I am asking you and all the citizens of Azerbaijan to inform the Administration of the President and other relevant bodies and local executive authorities of all unpleasant facts, injustices, unfounded demands, so that we could eliminate these shortcomings and evils as soon as possible.
Great prospects are opening up before us. Azerbaijan must become a developed country in the truest sense of the word, and this is our goal. I have repeatedly expressed my thoughts about that. Although there are not many developed countries in the world, I believe that we have every opportunity to become one of them by all criteria. Economic successes alone are not enough. It is necessary for all spheres of life in the country to be measured by highest standards. Social welfare, infrastructure projects, principles of social justice, reforms and fair decisions in the judicial system, transparency in the executive branch, maximum transparency in our financial system, public oversight, promotion of democracy, i.e. developed countries are considered as such because of the successes achieved in these areas.
We must move along this path too, there is no other option. The political will of the government alone, of course, is not enough. There should be a unity of all our citizens. We should serve one goal – the development and strengthening of our country, further improvement of the well-being, strengthening of the economy. In this case, our long-term development strategy will be effective.
While in Gazakh District today, I want to say again that I am happy with the work done in the district. I am regularly informed of the work being undertaken and planned, and I am sure it will have a positive impact on the development of the district. Both the socio-political and the economic situation in the district is good, social issues are being addressed. I will also continue efforts for the development of Gazakh District. It is imperative that additional measures are taken this year and in the coming years both within the state investment program and in the provision of loans in order to facilitate further development of the district and make it even nicer.