Ilham Aliyev reviewed the Culture Center in Lankaran after major overhaul

11 April 2015, 15:45
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has reviewed the Culture Center in Lankaran after major overhaul. Established in 1982, the center has played an important role in the public, political and cultural life of Lankaran. The center was overhauled to moderns standards. Reconstruction work here started in April of 2014 and ended this April.
The head of state was informed of the conditions created in the Culture House. A photo stand reflecting visits of national leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev to Lankaran and their attention to the development of culture in the country was installed in the center. The three-storey building has a 550-seat auditorium.
There are director`s and make-up rooms, decoration and sewing workshops in the complex. The Culture House offers a rich book collection. It has a reading room and a 50-seat conference hall. The Culture House will offer dance, English language, computer and other courses.
An ethnographic exhibition was arranged here, highlighting the ancient history of Lankaran.
After reviewing the Culture House, President Ilham Aliyev met with local residents.
Greeting representatives of the city public, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said:
- It is a wonderful day today. A Culture Center is opening after major overhaul in Lankaran. I heartily congratulate you on this wonderful occasion. I am very glad that this building has been overhauled and reconstructed. As you know, the building was constructed in the 1970s and was in need of renovation. Now it is a culture center built at the highest level. Halls, spacious rooms and meeting areas! Conferences, concerts and various events will be hosted here. So it is a culture center that suits Lankaran very much. This makes me very happy. Repair and restoration of culture centers are under way and powering ahead in all parts of Azerbaijan. Ancient historical monuments and culture centers built in the Soviet times are also being repaired and reconstructed. I have visited the Museum of Local History in Lankaran today. It is also a historical building. Beautifully renovated, it needed repair for many years. The photographs displayed there reflect the earlier views of this old building. Here, in the courtyard of the building, there are also photographs reflecting its former appearance.
Today the picture is quite different. Historical and cultural sites are restored in Lankaran and indeed throughout our country. And this is the way it should be, especially in Lankaran. Lankaran has very ancient culture and history. We are protecting this culture and history. The exhibits displayed at the Museum of Regional History show how rich the historical and cultural heritage of this region is.
The work carried out in Lankaran in recent years reflects the overall dynamic development of our country. The implementation of infrastructure projects has progressed quite rapidly in the southern region, particularly in Lankaran, in recent years. Today we can say that major infrastructure projects have been implemented. Two years ago we celebrated the supply of drinking water to the city. Now the city is fully provided with drinking water. The process of gasification is in full swing. The city is completely gasified. Approximately 80 per cent of the rural population already receives natural gas, and by the end of the year this figure will probably reach 100 per cent. At the same time, as a result of the establishment of "Azerishig" organization at the beginning of this year, additional measures relating to energy supply are now being taken in all our regions. Earlier we created fairly large generation capacities, including this region – the "Astara" and "Shirvan" power plants. So we have fairly large generating capacities now. But there was a great need for upgrading transmission lines and transformers. "Azerishig" is actively involved in this work now. I am sure that power supply in all our regions will rise to the level of Baku in a matter of a few years.
The construction of rural roads is under way. Several projects on rural roads have been implemented in Lankaran. This, of course, facilitates development and, at the same time, has a tremendous social significance. Approximately 50 per cent of Azerbaijan's population lives in rural areas and villages. In general, projects on rural roads now cover the entire country.
The Baku-Astara highway is currently under construction. I am sure that it will be put into operation in the coming years. Thus, there will be even better opportunities for travel by car. The Lankaran airport has been in operation for several years now. The airport was built in Soviet times, but it did not function afterwards. I remember visiting the airport and seeing that everything in it was run down. So I decided that we should rebuild the airport. There were different opinions: people were saying that so much money would be invested but who would use it? It was believed that as a building site it would just remain idle. But we see how important it is today. Direct flights to Moscow, other Russian cities and beyond are operated from Lankaran. The services of this airport are used not only by the people of Lankaran, but also by the residents of the entire southern zone. We have acquired the most advanced aircraft. There are seven airports in our country, five of which have international status. One of them is the Lankaran airport.
So we have a comprehensive approach to these issues. Of course, the social sphere is never forgotten. On the contrary, it is always our priority. A Central District Hospital has been created in Lankaran. Before that we had created a Diagnostic Center. The first diagnostic center was created in Lankaran. A children's hospital, schools and culture institutions are built. In other words, this approach enables us to fully develop every region and district of our country. At the same time, all conditions are created for a normal life and work in every district of Azerbaijan.
I have also got acquainted with a new agricultural project in Lankaran. It will also be a novelty. With the support of foreign experts and on the basis of modern technologies, orchards are being established here. Of course, this will have a positive impact on the economy of Lankaran and the overall export potential. We need to make the most of our natural capabilities in the future.
Of course, we have major energy resources, oil and gas fields. Today they serve the people of Azerbaijan and play a role on a global scale. At the same time, we have excellent natural conditions, such beautiful places as Lankaran. Natural conditions in other regions are also unique. We are happy to live in such a beautiful country – there are nine climatic zones in Azerbaijan, there are all natural conditions, fertile land, mountains, rivers, the Caspian Sea, springs. All this is a great asset which we are using rationally.
Today, Azerbaijan is an independent state which is the master of its own fate. The Azerbaijani people see that we can live well only in the conditions of independence. We were deprived of independence for centuries. The Azerbaijani people could not realize their potential to the full. For 23 years now we have lived as an independent state, and the thriving Azerbaijan is the result of this independence. We are defending and will continue to defend our independence. Our path is a path of development. Our country is developing. Each region of it is developing. The first program on the development of regions was adopted in 2004, and after 11 years everyone can see the results of this program in all areas. With regard to the further development of Lankaran, we will try to make sure that additional investments are made here. The state will continue to implement infrastructure projects. There is still a need for the construction and repair of schools, investments will be made in rural roads. Intercity roads should be repaired as well. There are issues related to the restoration of housing. So there is still a lot to do. But the main infrastructure projects have already been left behind. We have realized them.
We need to make the best of the tourism potential of Lankaran, because the number of tourists coming to Azerbaijan increases every year – now there are more than 2 million people. The Lankaran international airport will also become a means of attracting foreign tourists. Domestic tourism should develop as well. Not only for this purpose, but also for young people to get better acquainted with our country, we are currently implementing a program "let’s discover our country". Young people from different regions come to Lankaran and young people from Lankaran travel to other regions. It will have a positive impact on the development of domestic tourism in the future. So we should rationally use our natural resources, increase the power of our country and build a more prosperous life for our people.
The development of Lankaran is always in the spotlight. Over the past 11 years this is my 10th visit to Lankaran. This in itself shows how much attention is being paid to the region and the city. Seeing such beautiful and modern monuments, I rejoice as much as you do. I congratulate you and wish you continued success.
Then a picture was taken.