Today's Zaman: Foreign policy vision of a leader

11 December 2010, 21:42
Today's Zaman
Saturday, November 11, 2010
As a state, the Republic of Azerbaijan began to develop rational policies in line with its national interests when the late Haydar Aliyev come to power in the country.
That is to say, an in environment in which chaos, civil war and economic difficulties prevailed and public psychology was deteriorating due to the war with Armenia, Aliyev coming to power had seemingly become inevitable and necessary. It occurred to all Azerbaijani people that only Aliyev could save the country from its worsening situation. Prior to Aliyev coming to power not only did it seem impossible to restore stability in the country, but the country seemed isolated in its relations with other states, especially its neighboring countries, making it more estranged. In short, it would not be an exaggeration if we asserted that before Aliyev came to power the place was a wreck.
The most important concern of the newly established government was to ensure domestic stability. To achieve this end, it had to sign a truce with Armenia. Then the illegal armed organizations in the country had to be rendered ineffective and illegal weapons possessed by the people had to be confiscated. Aliyev successfully accomplished all of this due to his considerable experience in state affairs.
Then his government was faced with the challenging task of revitalizing the economy and rescuing the country from isolation by making it more active in foreign policy. However, while performing these challenging tasks, the current situation in international relations had to be carefully assessed, existing powers taken into consideration, realities faced and a strategy to prevent the emergence of insurmountable obstacles in their path adopted.
In summarizing his country's foreign policy strategy, Aliyev said: “Our foreign policy is based on ensuring peace in our region and the world. Our principal goals are to better introduce Azerbaijan to the world, secure its independence and territorial integrity in line with international legal rules, establish mutually beneficial cooperation based relations with all other countries, reinforce our country's position at the international level and advance science and culture.”
Improving relations with two of its close neighbors, Russia and Iran, was the initial step to be taken in order to increase the country's effectiveness and influence in foreign policy. Before Aliyev the relations with both countries were at the point of breaking due to an intervention of undesirable factors which did not serve the national interests of Azerbaijan. The experienced statesman realized that history might repeat itself unless precautions were taken to reduce the negative effects of similar factors in the country's relations with foreign countries and regarded work in this respect as a prerequisite of the status quo to improve the relations with its neighbors. To better Azerbaijan's foreign relations Aliyev took the risk of being falsely criticized by various circles and took his first foreign trip to Russia and successfully ensured Azerbaijan's membership to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Within this process, Azerbaijan signed 60 agreements with Russia, 15 with Ukraine, 69 with Georgia and 79 with Central Asian countries and Turkmenistan.
After these positive steps were taken, not only did important changes begin to be observed in Russia's policies towards Azerbaijan, but Russia and Kazakhstan were able to reach a common consensus regarding the status of the Caspian Sea. These developments paved the way for the organization of a summit attended by the heads of states from five Caspian Sea riparian countries.
With Vladimir Putin coming to power in Russia, relations between Azerbaijan and Russia started progressing at a more pragmatic and rational pace. With a decision issued by Putin, it was declared that Aliyev was deemed worthy of the Andrey Pervozvanny premium, the most important state award in Russia, for his effectiveness and contributions to developing the friendship between both countries. Aliyev was also presented the Yaroslav Mudri medal in Ukraine for his efforts in developing bilateral relations.
When it comes to the relationship with Turkey during Aliyev's rule, it became evident that the historical connection between the two countries should be approached from different angles. Even before becoming the president of Azerbaijan, Aliyev showed an eagerness to liaise with Turkey. We clearly noticed the warm dialogue Aliyev established with Turkey and the heartfelt love he had towards Turkey from his actions when he was the speaker of the assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
For Aliyev, the relationship between Azerbaijan and Turkey was very different from that between any other countries and was an example for the entire world it its uniqueness. Aliyev summarized his feelings towards Turkey with this remark: “We are single nation of two countries.” This remark, which is considered a motto, also summarizes the cooperation and actions undertaken toward shared steps.
During Aliyev's rule, elements of multilateralism and balance started to become the pillars of foreign policy of Azerbaijan. In addition to improving relations with its close neighbors, the standing government made progress in fraternizing and integrating with other countries around the globe and did not neglect to develop relations with the US, Western European countries, China, Japan and Middle Eastern countries. Moreover, cooperation was established and developed and is being developed with international and regional organizations. If today the most important countries of the world and the most respected international institutions of the world advocate our country's decision to take part in securing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, this is the outcome of efforts and perseverance by Aliyev. The leader of the Azerbaijan people demonstrated his perseverance as an accomplished leader when his actions convinced the most outstanding countries of the world to affirm this fact for the first time at OSCE summit held in Lisbon in 1996.
The “Contract of the Century” was signed on Sept. 20, 1994, which made it possible for the people of Azerbaijan to benefit from the natural resources bestowed upon them. This agreement was one of the best things that Aliyev did for his people.
Then Aliyev started on the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline, which was considered a utopian dream project back then. Without paying any mind to the difficulties or heeding the concerns of those who voiced the idealism of this project and the obstacles and without refraining or being submissive in the face of challenges, he achieved his target. Today by means of the BTC pipeline, Azerbaijani oil is being distributed to the world market. The same pipeline serves as an effective and perfect medium in enabling the country to prosper and to bring scientific, cultural and economic development to Azerbaijan. Today, the Azerbaijani economy is one of the fastest growing economies of the world, and the country has started taking on an impetus in all economic fields.
The architect who masterminded and engineered such immense economic growth is Haydar Aliyev, leader of the people of Azerbaijan. On the anniversary of his death we remember him with reverence and declare that the flag he entrusted to us is in safe hands and that we shall raise that flag higher and higher. May he rest in peace.
Elsever Salmanov is the Azerbaijani Embassy spokesman in Ankara.
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