Ilham Aliyev attended Youth Center opening during his visit to Nakhchivan Autonomous Republiс

07 April 2014, 16:30
President Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a Youth Center as part of his visit to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
The measures being taken in our country to form a youth policy have become systematic.
The state youth policy linked to the name of the national leader, Heydar Aliyev, was remembered in Azerbaijan for its successful results starting from 2003. The “Azerbaijan Youth” State Programme 2005-2009 played an important role in this direction.
The “Azerbaijan Youth: in 2011-2015” State Programme currently being implemented is the logical continuation of these measures. The upbringing of youth in the spirit of patriotism, of the principles of Azerbaijan-ness and statehood, of respect for the historical and cultural past, for the national and spiritual values are the priorities in our country today. The main aim is to motivate young people to take an active part in the socio-political, socio-economic and cultural life of society. Dedicated projects and programmes to bring out the intellectual and creative potential of young people, in particular, to increase the activity of young people living in the regions, are being implemented in line with instructions and recommendations by President Ilham Aliyev. This aim is served by the creation in the regions of social infrastructure facilities and youth centers meeting today’s demands, including the Youth Center in Nakhchivan.
The head of state cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the Youth Center.
Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Talibov informed President Ilham Aliyev of the conditions created in the Youth Center.
The Youth Center has a computer room, an electronic library, halls where intellectual and board games can be played, an interactive shooting gallery and a café. The center has the very latest information technology, all the computers have internet access, and Lingaphone classes for the study of foreign languages have been set up. Young people can receive theoretical knowledge of a foreign language and learn correct pronunciation here. There are around one thousand works of literature in the center’s e-library database. The conditions have been created in the building both for organizing young people’s effective leisure and for raising their intellectual level, and there is a hall for holding mass cultural events. The head of state watched young people play the Khamsa intellectual quiz game.
Training in firing air guns and pistols will be organized at the shooting gallery. Young people will have the opportunity to hone their skills in shooting as a sport in the six-lane firing range.
Offices have been allocated in the building for the Youth Foundation under the chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The Foundation has also been given an official motor vehicle.
It was stressed that the state youth policy is being implemented successfully in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, too. Important steps taken in this direction in recent years include: engaging young people to take an active part in the socio-political, economic and cultural life of the autonomous republic; resolving their social problems and guaranteeing the protection of their rights; effectively implementing the relevant state programmes in all areas of youth policy; raising state concern for young talent; advancing young people in the spheres of science, education, the economy, culture, state administration, and so forth. Youth centers, libraries, culture, leisure and recreation centers, new study buildings in higher educational establishments and other facilities have been put at the disposal of young people in the autonomous republic. Young people already play and important role in the life of society in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
Attention in the autonomous republic today is focussed on: guaranteeing the social protection and employment of young people; stimulating their quest for creativity; educating them in the national spirit; strengthening their military and patriotic upbringing; promulgating a healthy lifestyle. The 2012 decree “On raising state concern for young talent in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic” is a further expression of the substantial attention and concern showed for young people in the autonomous republic. The institution in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of the “Gold Book” of young talent and of the Youth Foundation under the chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic are also important steps taken to turn young people into a leading force in society in the region. Of great importance for safeguarding the physical health of the upcoming generation and for the development of mass physical training is the opening in cities and districts of the autonomous republic in recent years of Olympic sports complexes, sports centers, sports and chess schools for children and adolescents, sports halls and simple sports amenities in high schools. The new Nakhchivan Youth Center is yet another successful step in this direction. This social facility is of particular importance for consolidating young people and for effectively organizing their leisure.