Closing speech by President Ilham Aliyev at the conference dedicated to the results of the implementation of the State Programme on the socioeconomic development of the city of Baku and its villages

23 December 2013, 13:55
The speeches made here reflected issues related to the implementation of the programme over the past two years. In general, I can say that the programme has become a very big step for the improvement of our city. However, some issued envisaged by the programme did not find their solution.
It is just that there was not enough time. These issues will be resolved. However, at the same time, issues not specified in the programme were subsequently incorporated into it.
In short, I can say that the programme has been positive. I am confident that the issues we were not able to finish will be solved in the coming years. In particular, in the following years, infrastructure projects in Baku and its settlements should be given more attention. Currently, there are no problems with power supply. In recent years, many power plants have been built in our country. I can say that we have been able to strengthen our energy potential significantly. The production capacity of the stations that have been built in the last 10 years is approximately 40 percent of our current potential. Had these stations not been built, today we would not have been unable to ensure the successful development of our country. Therefore, in 2004 the construction of power plants in Azerbaijan took on a large scale - in the regions and at the same time in Baku. Thus, we eliminated this problem.
However, over the past 10 years the demand for electricity has greatly increased. And this is natural, since over the last 10 years the economy and industry have increased and people’s well-being has improved. While in previous years we had a difference between energy consumption in winter and summer, now it's gone. Why? In previous years less was consumed during the summer months. But as a result of improving living standards in recent years, we can say the majority of our citizens have purchased air conditioners, and thus, the demand for energy has increased in summer, too.
But in the future we will start the construction of new stations. At the same time, the construction of substations in Baku and regions should be envisaged, since it is required by our successful development. The demand is growing, and the current potential should be higher than our demand and exceed it. We know our dynamics of development. We know how Azerbaijan will be developing after 10 years. Therefore, there is a great need for the construction of new stations.
Currently, a new large power plant - Shimal-2 - is under construction in Baku. Perhaps, it will be necessary to build another major station. Also, power lines are being updated. The process of laying power lines under the ground is under way. We are striving for this too. In short, there are no problems with power supply in the city at the moment. But we must look to the future, and this industry must always be in the spotlight.
Gasification has also, we can say, found its solution in the city of Baku. The note I have been given shows that gasification is 96 percent. Ungasified points and places should also be gasified in order for the city of Baku to be provided with gas by 100 percent.
In general, the rate of gasification in the country is very high. We are approaching almost 90 percent. Gas lines are being extended even to regions and villages that were not gasified in Soviet times. That is to say it is an initiative which has a rather social nature. We are doing and must do this so that people are provided with gas.
Projects for drinking water and sanitation, I can say, are the most important issue for Baku and for our country today. Now projects for drinking water and sanitation are being implemented everywhere in the country. In some regional centres and cities, they have been implemented. This is also a historic achievement, because we have always had problems with water and experienced a shortage of water. The sewerage system in Azerbaijan was out of order.
There were problems with drinking water, and it was provided intermittently. Today part of Baku still receives drinking water intermittently. That is to say the attention paid to this area is yielding results. I hope that in the following years, this issue will be fully resolved. The Oguz-Gabala-Baku water pipeline, the Takhtakorpu water pipeline, reservoirs and the work to be done in the next few years will allow us to completely solve this problem. A sewerage system and new water lines that meet the highest standards should and will be created in Baku, and this issue will be resolved once and for all.
At the same time, the restoration of the heating system is under way. There is still a lot to do. We must strive to provide heating in Baku by 100 percent. On the one hand, this is a social project, and at the same time, where there is heating, the need for electricity falls, as there is no need for heaters in the winter months. That is to say this issue will be resolved in a complex form. I do not doubt it.
I just want it to be resolved soon. The problems with electricity, which existed at one time, have been resolved. Then I said that in the country, including in the city of Baku, there were really difficulties and problems. We returned Bakielektrikshebeke under state control. After that, investments were made and the issue was resolved. There are difficulties everywhere. Then, I remember very well, I said we must make sure that everywhere, in every home, every citizen can get electricity by pushing the switch.
I apply the same words to other infrastructure projects now. We must make sure that every citizen can open the tap and get water in his house, and there should be heating, gas and power. That is to say it is not some kind of great heroism. These are natural needs. We have to provide them. Another issue is that it did not exist. Our citizens have always experienced difficulties. But it should and will exist. In a developing country like Azerbaijan, in such a beautiful city as Baku, we cannot keep such problems and tolerate this.
Therefore, in the following years, it will be envisaged in the State Investment Programme, at the same time, all work must be done with high quality and in a short time. Drinking water supply has improved in Baku. Over the last two years, there has been great development and progress. We must make sure that at the end of the next three years Baku has no problems with water and sanitation. I want to say again that all this work must meet the highest international standards.
We talked about lifts here. This is also a very important issue. Some time ago I inquired about the state of lifts and the situation in this field. I was informed that there are big problems. Sometimes they do not work, are out of date and out of order. Therefore, we decided to deliver to Baku lifts manufactured by the world’s leading companies. Lifts are being updated not only in Baku, but also in the cities of Sumgayit, Ganja and Mingachevir. Funds were allocated from the Reserve Fund of the President. Now they said here that one thousand lifts have been delivered and are being installed. In subsequent years we should fully reconstruct the lifts in Baku. It will also provide a solution to this issue for the next decades.
At the same time, the courtyards of residential buildings must be landscaped. Now in Baku, in various places - I said this today - parks and gardens are being laid out. We must make sure that the courtyards of houses in which people live are also landscaped and build small playgrounds where possible. We must and will do all that is necessary for the comfort of people.
One of the most serious problems of Baku, in particular, its villages, is the road sector. Prior to the beginning of this programme, most roads in Baku settlements were unpaved. Immediately after the rain, these roads turned out to be in a deplorable state. Overall, we had to eliminate the unpaved roads in Baku and settlements, and for this purpose the programme provided for a specific action plan. However, these issues must be coordinated with the laying of sewer and water lines, because, above all, communications must be laid first and then the road must be built. This is overseen by the executive authorities of the city and the Ministry of Economy and Industry so that these issues are resolved in parallel.
Roads between villages are also being reconstructed. We are already seeing it. In the future, this work will continue. Roads inside villages go unheeded in some way. But, often visiting villages, I inquire about the situation. For the time being, there is still a lot to do. We must strive to ensure that in Baku settlements all internal roads are covered with asphalt. Not a single unpaved road should remain there. Therefore, these issues need to be solved in the next programme. Concerning a specific village, the programme must specify how many kilometres of roads will be built. Terms of construction should be given to solve this issue once and for all.
Recent years have seen progress in urban transport. There is not a single minibus left. They are already forgotten. But we remember very well how these vehicles did not fit this city. New buses have been purchased. But I think that for such a beautiful city as Baku even more beautiful buses need to be delivered. I have already given relevant instructions. Now we need to see who will do this work – either private entities, or the Ministry of Transport or the Baku City Executive Authorities, or any of them. I do not rule out that the state can also ensure the delivery of new buses. However, this area is in the hands of the private sector in our country. And it is normal as the private sector in Azerbaijan is developing rapidly. But in necessary issues and in issues concerning people, state control should be very strong. For this reason we in Azerbaijan keep the strategic infrastructure under state control. Azersu, Azeristilik, Azerigaz, of course, the Oil Company, Azerenergy, Bakielektrikshebeke, metro and other areas are under state control.
Therefore, the state can successfully carry out the tariff policy there. As you know, utility tariffs in Azerbaijan take one of the last places in the world. These areas may also involve public investment. Therefore, we must consider the issue of urban transport and give suggestions. In particular, additional buses and taxis must be purchased so that people can feel more comfortable.
The construction of the metro in Azerbaijan must take on a large scale. A specific programme has been adopted. Also a special meeting on the construction of the metro has been held. At the moment, we have 23 stations. In recent years, several stations have been built. But in accordance with the programme by 2035, in Azerbaijan, in Baku, 70 stations must be built, so at least two stations should be built every year. We need to get this done. However, it is an issue that requires very large resources and has an exceptional social nature, since today metro fares do not cover even one-fifth of the needs of the metro. The state issues subsidies. I want to make people aware of the fact that the metro operates only through government subsidies. Of course, the more stations are built, the greater the burden on the state budget. But we approach this area, as well as other utility spheres, through a social prism.
We have the lowest gas prices. Compared with neighbouring countries, our gas prices are 3 and sometimes 4 times lower. It is the same with water, petrol and electricity tariffs. That is to say all this is regulated by the state. All this is covered by the state. In particular, the construction of the metro is implemented with state investment. The metro operates, I want to say again, on subsidies.
We have great plans because public transport should be so comfortable to encourage people to use it more. Now people's welfare is improving and the business environment is very positive. Annually Azerbaijan imports 100,000 and maybe more cars. That is to say if welfare was not improving, then none of this would exist. Of course, the tens and hundreds of thousands of cars that are delivered exert extra pressure on the road infrastructure and create traffic jams. Although we have built so many road junctions, tunnels and overpasses, this pressure will take place again. Over the last 10 years, dozens of tunnels, road junctions, overpasses and new roads have been built. These roads did not exist. For example, of course, now everything is quickly forgotten. But today there is a second road connecting the airport to the city, and this road never existed. How many roads were widened within the city? The road to the airport has been widened twofold. Had it not been widened, what would happen?! In other places, where it is possible, we open new roads and highways so that urban transport can function normally. We will continue this process in the future.
It is planned to build new junctions and roads. But public transport should be such that people can comfortably use it. Among them, the metro is the cheapest and most convenient transport. In the following years, the construction of the metro will be carried out intensively.
In recent years, a lot has been done to create the social infrastructure. The process of rehabilitation and construction of schools in the city of Baku is under way. The vast majority of schools have been renovated to a high level. But repair work must still be done in nearly 90 schools. I think that if we move at the pace of previous years, in 2014 and 2015 the issue of construction and refurbishment of schools in Baku will be completely eliminated.
Renovated schools are also provided with the most modern equipment.
The problem of kindergartens is a very serious problem. In particular, in recent years, parents are more eager to send their children to kindergartens. And this is natural, since kindergartens have been refurbished at a very high level. But the possibilities we have are limited yet. I can say that the availability of kindergartens is approximately 20-25 percent. Therefore, in the following years, we have to pay great attention to the construction and refurbishment of kindergartens. It is good that at one time - during the Soviet era – both schools and kindergartens were built with very spacious and large courtyards and new buildings can be built there. We must make use of this opportunity. After that, new sites should be identified. During the construction of new residential buildings and new estates, schools and kindergartens should be provided. Without this, permission to build should not be issued. We must strive to provide people with kindergartens to the maximum and ensure that this question is resolved.
Medical institutions are being restored and new ones are being built in the city of Baku. There are more than 150 medical facilities. 41 of them have been renovated and built in recent years, and 13 institutions are being refurbished. In Baku, a large health centre is being built. The Medical Service, of course, should be at a high level. That is to say it also means the creation of social infrastructure. This question is also constantly in the spotlight. In the next programme to be adopted, these issues will be resolved, of course.
Environmental activities are, and will be, conducted. Unfortunately, the oil production, which has been going on in Baku for about 200 years, caused great damage to the environment. Now we are eliminating this damage. It is a very difficult issue that requires very large funds. But if we do not do this, it will lead to big problems. In Baku there are enough places contaminated with oil and other waste. And you know very well about it, and I know it well too. We gradually cleanse these places and reclamation is being carried out. Today it was mentioned in speeches. It requires a lot of time and money.
But I can say that the work carried out confirms that we will succeed in this field. For example, at the Bibiheybat field, which is one of the oldest oil fields in Baku and the world, cleansing work has been carried out. Now it is clean around the towers. I issued an instruction to plant trees and lay out a park there. After a few years, these towers will be in the woods.
In the territory where the White City project is being carried out, there appeared great contamination at one time as a result of the work conducted by the Nobel brothers. Currently, this land is taken out of there and reclamation work is under way. A new city is being built in the new city.
Environmental measures are being conducted in other places. We succeeded in purifying waste in Balakhani. I think that this is also a major historical project. When the project began, many did not believe that we can achieve this, as you, too, remember very well that a result of the burning of the waste, everything around was in smoke. Currently it is a clean territory, a landfill. A waste factory was built there by the state. Currently, additional specific measures connected with the management of household waste and recycling are being taken. That is to say a chain is being built from waste disposal from households to the waste factory. I am confident that we will achieve the required level in this field too. There's no need to invent anything here. In Baku this issue should be solved at the level at which these issues are addressed in developed cities.
To improve the ecological situation in Baku, other measures are being taken too. Trees are being planted.
However, in recent years this work has somewhat weakened. I believe that we should not allow this to happen. In the "Year of Ecology", more trees were planted. I remember when the "Year of Ecology" was ending, I said that the "Year of Ecology" was officially ending. But every year should be a "Year of Ecology". We should not forget about planting trees.
It is necessary for local executive authorities and municipalities to seriously deal with this work at the right time, in the season. We need to make Baku greener. This process should take place constantly and it cannot be forgotten.
The ecological situation in Baku has been complicated by these lakes for years. Water is discharged into these lakes - sewage, reservoir water and water from oil fields. These lakes complicate the environmental situation on the one hand and spoil the overall view on the other. It's time to deal with this issue. It is also a rather difficult question financially. The issue of cleansing these lakes is on the agenda. There were some suggestions on the draining of these lakes. There were other proposals – to clean them. Each lake must be approached individually. I can say that the public should also be aware of this - we want to start, if I may say so, with the most complicated lake. We want to start cleaning the Boyuk Shor Lake. The Boyuk Shor Lake covers a thousand hectares. It is a giant lake. It was therefore proposed to divide it into two parts. A road will be laid across the lake. There is such a project. A six-lane highway will be laid. We have to clean part of the lake with an area of 300 hectares and convert it into a clear lake. On the one hand, it will be a recreational area, and on the other - a very important infrastructure for transport. In general, we need to test ourselves in this work. That is to say can we do that or not?
Until now, no such work has been carried out in Azerbaijan and in Baku. Yes, we have no experience. Of course, we have invited foreign companies with experience in this area and will work with them. But we need to make sure whether it is possible or not, as there are different versions and different opinions. Therefore, on the one hand, we must test ourselves and on the other - use this method.
If we achieve this goal, then by the summer of 2015 there will be a beautiful, clean and clear lake covering 300 hectares in Baku. As for the other lakes, the city executive authorities, the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources have to work together and give specific suggestions. Perhaps, we will adopt a special programme to ensure that these issues are resolved and the environmental problems of Baku are addressed at a high level.
The creation of public zones has taken on a large scale in Baku. Both you and the public are well aware that one of the main areas related to Baku and its development is the establishment of parks and squares. I believe that in recent years, great success has also been achieved in this area. The Baku Boulevard has been reconstructed and restored. Today it is one of the most comfortable and beautiful recreation areas in the world. The project on the extension of the Baku Boulevard has also been solved, and a new boulevard and Flag Square have been created. A new boulevard is being built from Flag Square to Bibiheybat. A walking lane to the first, that is to say the first on this side, tower of Bibiheybat is being built there. Behind it a big palace of water sports is being built, and there will be other sports facilities and an art estate there. In the other direction - from the maritime station to the refinery - a new boulevard is being created. In general, the length of the new boulevard from the refinery to Bibiheybat towers is about 20 kilometres. We could go farther, but these two, as they say, obstacles block our path. Currently, we are unable to move the refinery. That is to say in Baku, in Garadag district, it is planned to build an oil refinery.
After the construction of the plant - I think it will take about 5 years - the moving of the old refinery will be possible and we will build the boulevards of White City and Zig. At the moment, we have outlined these plans and will implement them.
That is to say the process of creating public areas is rapidly progressing in Baku. I can say that none of the cities of the world pays attention to the creation of so many public facilities, parks. We all remember that in the area from the Palace of Indoor Games to Flag Square there were industrial enterprises and destroyed factories. When I raised the question that we must move them out and create a promenade here, some objected saying that this is impossible and these are strategic projects. I knew that it was all a lie. It is just that people who controlled these places did not want to lose them. Perhaps, they wanted to privatize them in the future and then sell the land for building houses. I knew what it was. It was the same when we built the Heydar Aliyev Centre. They told me that it was a strategic plant – a plant that bore the name of Lieutenant Schmidt and then Sattarkhan. Having been there, I saw broken glass, shattered walls, there was nothing there. I asked: if it has such a purpose, why is there no glass? They told me that it had been removed for ventilation. You know, in this case it is necessary to show firm will, and we did it.
Today the Heydar Aliyev Centre is one of the most beautiful landmarks in the world. The New Boulevard is one of the most beautiful recreational areas today. Look what great opportunities there are for people. In what city is so much invested in these areas today? Only in Baku. The creation of other public facilities also demonstrates our will. The Central Park - someone called it the winter boulevard. I do not know why, but later it became known as the winter boulevard, but I cannot understand the meaning of the winter boulevard, what it means. That is to say if it was a closed area, then I would say that people can walk there in winter. It's called the Central Park. Underneath there is a car park for four thousand cars. And on top there is a wonderful park and walking area. Had we not shown will and reconstructed these places, what would we have? There, on that street, cars could not pass. On Fizuli Street in that direction - towards the Drama Theatre, traffic in one lane in either direction was not possible. Today, 4-5-lane roads have been built in both directions. We also made plans for the future in relation to these areas. In place of moved buildings, there should be public places, public places only. Where relocation occurs in accordance with the rules of town planning, public spaces and parks must be created. Not a single building should be built there. If businessmen want to build buildings, they need to talk and negotiate with citizens living in areas to be relocated, let them build in these places. We are turning Baku into a city of parks and squares. In Baku there are several centres. I can say that it is a sign and feature of Baku. Here improvement, beauty, comfort and functional sides must form unity. Recently, we celebrated the opening of Dede Gorgud Park. An artificial lake was created there for the first time.
This is a large park with an area of six hectares, and it has become a wonderful place for strolls. We also plan to expand the park. That is to say all this work serves people, adorns our city and creates a new atmosphere in Baku.
I believe that due to the construction of new residential buildings, stricter control is needed. We cannot allow arbitrariness. Recently on a relocated territory where it was planned to create public facilities, I suddenly saw a building under construction. I called Hajibala Abutalibov and asked: what is the matter? He replied that it was impossible. I said: check, what do you mean it is impossible?! He checked and saw that a building was being built illegally. This place was left uncontrolled for two weeks, and someone immediately began to build a building there. Of course, it was immediately demolished, and those who wanted to build there should get their just deserts. Arbitrariness and anarchy are not allowed. They build illegally and then illegally document it. The entire skyline of the city is disrupted.
For this reason, I believe that restrictions should be imposed on the construction of new residential buildings. Every project should be studied seriously. In general, we should look at the construction of new buildings in the city centre and restrict it in a very serious way. For this reason, there should be very strict control over these issues and this work should be carried out in a planned way.
There is a town planning concept about the future development of Baku, and it has been approved. All work should be carried out on its basis.
The settlements have already been mentioned here. The adoption of this programme is more designed for the development of the settlements. This is the case today, and the next programme to be adopted should and will also resolve all problems facing settlements. Jobs and new enterprises are being created in settlements. This is a very positive thing. We welcome this. This work will be carried out even faster thanks to the preferential loans to be issued by the state.
Baku has taken shape as an industrial city, and it is no accident that there are numerous industrial enterprises in Baku. Some of them are now obsolete and out of order. We have moved and knocked them down. As I just said, new beautiful parks and public places are laid out instead. However, of course, the future direction of our economic development is related to industrialization. We have repeatedly said that a modern industrial complex should be built in Azerbaijan. However, sites for the construction of these complexes have already been identified. The industrial centres are Baku, Sumgayit, Ganja and Mingachevir. Industry will develop mainly in these cities. In connection with the strengthening of the capital’s industrial potential, there are better opportunities to carry out this work in Baku, in Garadag district. The area is large and it is away from the city centre. For this reason, industrial enterprises that pollute the air should either be closed and face penalties. In general, we should reconsider the activities of enterprises that damage the environment. Those who operate those enterprises – both state-owned and private organizations – should observe all environmental norms.
For this reason, in connection with Baku’s industrial development, I believe that there are great opportunities in Garadag district and our industry will develop there. In any case, a shipyard and a maritime port are under construction there. For this reason, the city executive authorities should also pay attention to the issue that there is no need to build large industrial enterprises in the city of Baku.
We should expedite the construction of the Alat Maritime Port. It will be a major project and is already being implemented. Our potential is growing and Azerbaijan has introduced itself as a transit country. Cargo transportation through our territory in any direction is increasing. The construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway will probably end at the end of the next year. In this case, the issue of building a new maritime commercial port is on the agenda. Simply, we should carry out this work even more quickly to ensure that the first stage of the port is completed as soon as possible.
Once the first stage is completed, the current maritime port of Baku should be moved there. I am saying right at the start that there should be public zones on the territory of the Baku port. There will be a beautiful park on the territory of the current port, in its adjacent territory and in the territory adjoining the maritime port. Thus, we will connect the boulevard to the boulevard stretching from the maritime port towards White City. As I said, a boulevard is already being built towards White City there. All buildings from Nobel Avenue towards the sea are no longer there, citizens cannot see them, because stands have been installed there. A temporary fence has been installed, but that area is completely deserted. We are creating a beautiful recreational area there and thus, we will unite the boulevard completely. For this reason, the first stage of the Alat Maritime Port should be put into operation by June next year. Renovation work should start at the present maritime port from June next year.
As you know, the European Games will be held in 2015. Preparations for these games will enter their decisive stage next year. These games are of great importance, because they are the first European Games. European Games have never been held. They will be first held in Azerbaijan. This is a reflection of the European sports world’s respect for our country and a sign of their trust. Of course, we should try to hold these games at the highest level. Preparatory work is under way. Next year we will start the decisive phase. Major sports facilities are being built in Baku. In fact, the construction of those facilities began before the European Games were entrusted to us – the Olympic Stadium, the Gymnastics Centre, the Water Sports Palace and the Trap and Skeet Shooting Centre. But of course, these facilities will have their say in the European Games.
In general, the construction of modern hotels has taken on a large scale in Baku in recent years. I can say that Baku has probably reached the record level in this sphere. In two years, six five-star hotels were opened in Baku. This is a sign of investors’ trust. But if we take into consideration that the number of guests is increasing, information about our country is spreading around the world and the number of those who want to visit Baku has significantly increased, it will be necessary to build new hotels in the future. For this reason, the city executive authorities should identify new sites. According to the city’s general plan, there should be three-star, four-star and of course, five-star hotels so that people of all categories can easily stay in Baku and familiarize themselves with our city in accordance with their financial situation. In a word, the work that has been carried out is really very important. The implementation of the second programme shows once again that any issue can be solved in Azerbaijan.
Next year, we are supposed to launch the third stage of the state programme on the socioeconomic development of Baku and its settlements. I believe that as a result of the implementation of the third programme, issues that have not been resolved yet and all infrastructure, transport and social problems of Baku and its settlements will be resolved.
At the beginning of the next year, the third state programme should be adopted. The city executive authorities, the Ministry of Economy and Industry and relevant organizations are actively working in this direction. Almost a great part of the programme is ready. Today officials of all districts of Baku, municipality chairmen and representatives of the public are present here. I am asking each settlement to submit additional specific proposals. I know that these proposals have been submitted. You know better what issues concern people. We should make sure that the state programme for 2014-2016 covers all issues and that not a single issue is left without attention.
Thus, a new era begins for the future development and renovation of our beautiful city. I wish you new successes in this work. Thank you.